Does advertising in the Treasure Valley Parents Guide work?

Ask anyone in the book and see for yourselves. Most of my customers have been with me for over 4 years and some since the very beginning.

How long has the directory been out there?

We started it in March 2000

How did I become involved in it?

I used to own a retail business in Baton Rouge LA and advertised my business in the local Parents Guide and loved it. I was their biggest testimonial to how effective it was. I believed in it and brought the concept to the Treasure Valley.

How well are the books picked up?

Almost 95% of the books are picked up...the ones that are left over are given to real estate companies that put them in relocation packets to new families moving to the area. Families hold on to them for 6+ months.

Why aren't there any articles?

We are used as a resource guide...our job is to direct families to businesses in the area that cater to families. We don't want them to read an article and then throw the book away...we want them to hold on to it and use it as they need a certain product or service. Your ad becomes the content.
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